Das Geheimnis der Goldenen Blüte (The Secret of The Golden Flower) ist ein spiritueller Klassiker, der dem Sucher periodisch immer wieder neue Impulse vermittelt. Der taoistisch-buddhistische Text ist leider nur in seiner englischen Übertragung aus dem Chinesischen von Thomas Cleary von praktischem Wert.
Das Licht umdrehen? Aber wie? Bild: Ko-Sen
Leider hat der deutsche Übersetzungsversuch von Richard Wilhelm lediglich bibliophilen Wert, die eigentliche Botschaft des Werkes geht dabei komplett verloren. Im Kern geht es in der GOLDENEN BLÜTE um das UMDREHEN DES LICHTES, das den Sucher zu seinem, DEM, Ursprung zurück führt.
Das nachfolgende Zitat weist auf den Dreh- und Angelpunkt beim UMDREHEN DES LICHTES hin – das nach außen gerichtete Denkprinzip (Mind) zur Ruhe zu bringen, es umzukehren, nach INNEN.
Aus dem Kapitel: Questions and Answers, Opening up the Mysteries of the Doctrine of the Golden Flower
The three realms are none other than your mind; your mind is not the three realms, yet it contains the three realms.
Whenever there is dependence, that is temporal; where there is no dependence, that is primal.
Where is the primal to be sought? It must be sought by way of the temporal. Temporal feelings and consciousness are marvelous functions of the primal. It must be sought through the work of the practical balance in harmonious accord, which means calmness and openness. Of course, as long as clarification has not taken place, all is polluted…
… It is only because the iron pillars of thoughts are deeply rooted, and it is hard to escape their limitations, that it is neccessary to observe one’s own mind…
The primal and the temporal are originally not two: what makes the distinction is only temporal…
If there is discrimination between primal and temporal, that is just consciousness; if you discriminate, then conditioning flares up, and this is the source of profuse confusion of thoughts.
When people are deluded by emotions and do not know there is essence, they are ordinary ignoramuses. If they know there is essence but do not know there are emotions, this is senseless vacuity. Therefore our teaching is actively living and does not settle into one corner, but instead applies to heaven and earth, combines eternity with the present, equalizes others and self, and has neither enemy nor familiar.
Is the true mind to be sought from the source of mind? If the source is clean, then the celestial design is apparent, and daily activities never obstruct the supreme Way. If the source is not clean, then even you have some vision it is like a lamp in the wind, flickering erratically.
Quelle: Thomas Cleary, THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER, The Classic Chinese Book of Life, HarperSanFranzisco, 154 S.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 15.02.2011 von Heinz Knotek